The Division 2

Work on the Division 2 Engine team at Ubisoft Reflections

June 2019 - March 2020

I started work on an Engine team, which was part of a larger co-dev mandate to support The Divison 2’s Engine development. My tasks varied from new, small engine feature work such as connecting external hardware to in-game events as well as improving (by adding better functionality and fixing bugs) existing systems such as VOIP, visual-scripting nodes or designer/artist tools. As the team was meant to support The Division on playstation, I also became familiar with reading this external documentation and working on bugs related to this platform.

As this was my first experience inside of the games industry, I learned a lot about game development procedures and pipelines, how to work as part of a much larger team as well as improving my C++ skills, especially inside of a very big codebase.

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